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About locura BLUE 

"Crazy BLUE." Our brand identity is a reference to the vibrant blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the lighter blue-green hue in the shallower waters of the Mediterranean. We’re passionate about travel and thrilled of helping you craft an amazing vacations.

We have been blessed for the opportunity to travel to some of the most fascinating places on earth. As a travel enterprise, our vision is to scheme your planning needs, everything from booking your flights, hotels to creating a custom itinerary that fits your interests and budget. We can also provide you with advice on how to get the most out of your trip, from choosing the right destinations to avoiding common travel mistakes.


LOCURA BLUE will craft an itinerary built around your interest, preferences, timeframe, and budget. Of course, this process takes time — hours, days, weeks — and that commitment to quality carries a cost and offers an incredible value to you.

We operate on a fee-based model where clients pay us for the services we provide. We don't represent an airline, hotel, restaurant or specific venue. We design a unique experience for YOU.

Our Planning Fee is your guarantee that we will make authentic decisions based on our thought research of getting to know you and your travel style. This include using vetted suppliers and partners, guidance on insurance options, communicating before, after, and during travel, completed curated itineraries.If you need some help planning… Let us help!  Go BLUE! 






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locura BLUE Planning Fee is separate from the cost of your trip and is non-refundable.
TIME is precious…waste it TRAVELING.


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